Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Pesilat Yang Terbang Helang

Ha.. satu lagi pos kenangan ...

Pada separuh akhir tahun 1990, persatuan silat MRSM Jasin membuat satu persembahan di Dewan Besar. Seingat saya, persembahan itu diadakan pada perhimpunan mingguan.
Scenarionya, sekumpulan pesilat berbaris satu barisan di depan pentas utama Dewan Besar menghadap pentas. Kiranya mereka berdiri di hadapan kumpulan murid.
Serentak,  mereka memulakan persembahan menggayakan pelbagai langkah silat .. perlahan-lahan seorang demi seorang berhenti sehingga seorang yang tinggal iaitu ketua mereka, budak batch lama Mohd Nadzri Ishak.
Apabila tuan Nadzri Ishak seorang yang tinggal menggayakan rentak beliau, beliau melakukan rentak silat ala burung helang seakan-akan mahu terbang. Saya ingat melihat beliau, untuk beberapa ketika, berdiri satu kaki, tetapi masih dapat melakukan aksi beliau. Ada beberapa guru yang di atas pentas berdiri kerana mahu melihat lebih jelas (antaranya arwah Cikgu Jamil).
Tamat acara silat, kami pun bersurai.
Seingat saya, saya ada tanya tuan Nadzri tentang langkah itu, tetapi lupa jawapannya...

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Dua Orang Pemain Piano Dewan Besar Jasin

ha.. nak tulis tentang ingatan saya tentang orang pemain piano Dewan Besar Jasin :)

Selalunya, sekali dalam seminggu kami akan berkumpul di Dewan Besar. Biasanya, ada pengumuman penting dari Tuan Pengetua dan lain-lain hal. Pelajar juga akan menyanyi lagu maktab dan Negaraku.

Nyanyian kami diberi muzik piano besar yang terletak di dalam dewan, di kanan dekat dengan pentas utama. Dan saya ingat dua orang pemainnya, cik Azrina dan cik Zulimah. Orang Kajang dan orang JB. Cik Azrina budak blok 6 dan cik Zu ketika form 5, makwe rakan Jasin saya, budak batch lama Dwen.

Saya ingat sekali cik Zulimah buat silap bermain nota piano untuk lagu maktab, masa form five, dan kami dengan sporting nyanyi sama2 :)

Saya selalu duduk dekat2 depan ..dekat pentas,.. tu yang selalu dapat peluang tengok. And I thought cik Azrina masa tu was hot, playing the piano. Ah, the memories ... :)

Friday, October 23, 2015


Today, I wanted to fast but I didn't cos I missed makan sahur and I couldn't let sahur food away just like that. During midnight, Reezal told me a most shocking story: he & Farah have clashed and ... there's really nothing anymore between them. Poor Reezal .. he acted happy though I could tell he was sad emotionally. I was sad cos one of the best couples in MRSMJ have finally parted.
I'm going back tomorrow ... happy as usual ... this time straight to KL ...

* emo part

* Es .. I don't know why.. but why .. why do you keep giving me those signs .. you said it's over .. you even rejected my offer for just being friends.. I still like you. For me, you're one special girl .. maybe you've realized that, but yeah, who am I to you?

Today, strangely, " Please Don't Go Girl" keep buzzing in my mind. I don't know why, maybe it brings good & bad memories. Now, Mickey <--->  Kiko ... God, these two sure have hit it off. I must confessed cos Mickey once told me, he has nothing with Kiko .. but look now.

Hmm.. something's brewing up in the girls dorm (F4s). I think I'll investigate..

Nothing more I can say ..


Wednesday, October 21, 2015


Today, I woke up late at 6.50. Actually, I woke up at 6.20 but I slept back. I missed breakfast .. so during classes, I was hungry. During recess, I ate the sandwiches that was served to the students and went to the cafe to buy a packet of rice and drinks.
While I was eating, she passed by.. I would've looked at her ... but buat dek je! Hey..there's nothing more between us.
I went back to PSP ... and there Farah was reading The Star. Politely, I asked her if the paper that she was reading is available .... she shot back saying Nuri had asked for it.. I asked again if I could read it after she finished reading before Nuri took the paper .. she said something which I couldn't catch .. but .. she sounded so cross. Then Farah asked Nuri if she wanted the paper.. Nuri said no .. she said I could take it. I took it muttering ' guess you're still mad at me "
Nothing really interesting happened today ... I phoned home. They're back.. more stories coming up .. I slept after Asar till 6 So tired.

Nothing more I can say ..

FLY PET the symbol of success